
About Mohit Tater

Hi, I’m Mohit.

As you can probably tell, I already like you.

I don’t like labels, but if I had to describe myself, I’d probably use some combination of entrepreneur, marketer, coach, and traveler.

The backstory

I come from a city called Jodhpur, which is in the state of Rajasthan in India.

I graduated from BITS, Pilani, the most exclusive university in the world in 2011 and had two choices in front of me.

1. Take up a job

2. Go do my Masters

I didn’t like either, but still went ahead with the job. Though I got a job in a really cool startup, after a few months, it started to feel boring and unfulfilling.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I wanted to spend my life doing something much more than sitting in an office doing boring stuff everyday.

I wanted to travel and live in other countries. I wanted to build my own business. I wanted to spend as much time as I wanted with friends and family. I wanted to make much more than $10k a year, which was what I was getting at my job.

I realized that I couldn’t do any of this while working for someone else.

So in mid 2012, I left my job having no idea what I would do next.

My first business

I had already started building websites in my spare time but was unable to make any money from them. Then I came across Flippa.com, which was a marketplace for websites. That was all I needed.

So I went ahead and bought my first website for $2,500. I ran it for 6 months and then sold it for $12,000.

I told to myself, this thing works!

Since then, I have come a long way. Starting from $0 in 2013 to a running a successful six-figure business in a span of 2 years.

I currently have over 30 sites in my portfolio which my team manages for me.

Along the way, I also started a few other businesses of which some failed and some did well, notable among them being a publishing business and a furniture export company

The present

Currently, I run multiple businesses, which include, among others, an investment company Blackbook Investments, a digital agency Mixeron, and a content agency Authority Writing. But the best part is that I run all these businesses remotely while traveling the world.

I started this blog with a clear purpose, which is to help people,

  1. Build a business that can be run from anywhere in the world
  2. Live a life worth writing about

This blog chronicles everything from my journey after quitting the job to living in different countries while I tried to figure out this whole internet thing, and now my life as a successful entrepreneur.

You will find all my best advice on starting/growing businesses and living a better life. It’s a no BS firsthand account of what I’ve tried, what has worked for me and what has not. I really hope you find something inspiring and helpful.

With wanderlust


P.S. – You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I love connecting with other amazing people from all walks of life, so don’t hesitate to say hi.
